nanoZorro: Delightful Technology
nanoZorro: Delightful Technology
Variable Frequency Drives: how this controller can transform induction motors forever
#008 - AC induction motors can be transformed into a highly controllable machine. With this electronic device, called Variable Frequency Drive (VFD, for short), a motor can have an ideal and directly proportional power-speed ratio while mantaining the torque constant in nominal conditions. In some small models, the input is a monophase connection (two wires) and the output is a three-phase connection (3 wires), which makes them totally convenient for places where three-phase wiring isn't available. Let's see why Variable Frequency Drives or VFDs are highly desirable.
Link to the blog post: https://www.techzorro.com/en/blog/vfd-variable-frequency-drives/
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MUSIC. Song composed and produced by Nicolas Jeudy and DARK FANTASY STUDIO. Used under PREMIUM license. Website: https://www.techzorro.com/darkfantasystudio